my placenta previa and accreta story

(Before the year end, I want to share my brief pregnancy story)

I was diagnosed with placenta previa and accreta in my second trimester. I knew something was wrong with my pregnancy. My placenta was blocking my cervix and burrowing into my old c-section scar. I was given all the worst-case scenarios of what might happen. I had many doctor’s appointments, an MRI, and monitored closely.

My surgery procedure was scheduled for July 5th at 35 weeks. The night of June 22nd, I had a huge gush of blood and passed large blood clots. I woke my husband up to call 911 while I tried to get a hold of my OBGYN. When he realized what was going on, my poor husband passed out in the other bathroom adjacent to our room. After a few minutes, he regained consciousness and called 911.

The ambulance came and whisked me away to the hospital. They got me stabilized, and it showed that I was having contractions. Thankfully, my baby was doing well, praise God! They decided that, because of my previa and accreta, they weren’t going to stop my contractions and went ahead with my surgery. The providers that I met during the course of my pregnancy came to do my surgery. The delivery and surgery went smoothly. I didn’t need a blood transfusion or end up in the ICU. Praise God! The doctors and healthcare team were so incredible. They helped make the process as smooth and safe as possible and always kept us informed. My baby was born at 4 lbs 15 oz at 33 weeks. She had no problems or complications. She was in the NICU for two weeks for feeding and then came home. My c-section/hysterectomy recovery was far better than my last pregnancy.

Even though I had to give up my uterus (maybe that was the best thing, not having to deal with periods and birth controls), we’re so happy and blessed with two healthy children. Thank you, God! My experience was so scary. I’m sharing in the hopes that other women who are going through this might find comfort and a positive outcome after receiving the same diagnoses. 2022 was such a scary year, but yet a blessing! Praise God for his blessings and protection!